Sunday, July 29, 2007

A post from this morning

U.S.A., land and of the free and home of high speed wireless internet. We are so excited to return!

We said our tearful goodbyes to our host family early yesterday morning, though not before they loaded us up with semi-perishable Nahuatl food, that which they would normally take when tekipanowah (they work the fields). They gave us some spicy corn digestive biscuits because when you eat them supposedly xtonxixas (you can’t poop), and they were very worried because they were not sure if planes had bathrooms. They half jokingly asked us if they threw the waste off the plane.

We are here in Mexico City for one last day. We planned to go to Xochimilco, but have decided to simply “hang out” and perhaps go to the artisan market and the Templo Mayor, which is near by. Frankly, I am just thrilled to have a shower and sleep inside on a bed. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed all of the lifestyle differences, and I don’t think the Nahuatl way is in any way less civilized, but I have preferences based on what I am accustomed to.

I think the most difficult part of our trip (and I’m sure Mark and Laura know what I am talking about) was going from being someone who is educated and well respected at home, to someone who can communicate and partake in daily Nahuatl life at a level somewhere near that six year old. It is definitely a humbling experience.

We will post some pictures when we get home, though after I finish the new Harry Potter book, of course :o!

Pray for a safe trip home!

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