Thursday, October 11, 2007

It all started when...

About two days ago OKD started vomiting. We took her in to our regular vet across the street. I guess they see vomiting all the time, so they gave her some subq fluids so she wouldn't dehydrate and some oral medication (I have never understood oral medication for vomiting by the way). Overnight she couldn't keep the meds down, and she wasn't eating or drinking. We took her back in to the clinic the next day. They ran some blood work on her and found that she was terribly dehydrated. They took their sweet time shooting her up with more subq fluids and dextrose (to get her sugar levels up), then sent us to the critical care/emergency clinic in OKC. That is where she has been since yesterday afternoon. When she first arrived, she was a pitiful sight, she couldn't even lift her head to vomit or stand on her own. She was also freezing (she had a temp of 96 and the norm for dogs is around 100), and couldn't thermo regulate on her own. This made me feel like a horrible "dog mom," like I hadn't acted quickly enough, even though we took her in the first day we saw trouble. I guess she went downhill so fast because of her incredibly small size. She was so depleted that she required a 24 IV just to get her well enough for testing. They gave her the IV, 3 medications to stop the vomiting, antibiotics, and pain meds. Of course, all of these had to be alternated because her system is too small to handle them all at once. We have been visiting twice a day (which is rather draining since the clinic is about 40 minutes away), and it seems to lift Okie Doke's spirits each time. This afternoon she was looking much better, and they allowed us to take her outside, which I think gave her a much-needed break. When we got there, we found they had put a little tube in her nose leading to her stomach. They had suctioned her stomach a couple of times, and found what the vet described to be mass amounts of horrible stuff, much of it blood, in her tummy. They have been treating her with something that is rather like a strong version of Pepcid AC to control the bleeding in her stomach, and for the moment it seems to be working. The vet also told me that all of her electrolytes, sugars, etc. were all at good levels now. All of her organs seem to be functioning correctly at this point as well. She is still having trouble thermo regulating, even with her heated cage, IV fluids, and rice sock. And now that the tube is in and her stomach is cleared, she is not longer vomiting as far as I know. So, that's the story to date. Sorry if it made you queasy. David and I are going to go up and see her here in a little bit. Keep praying for her, she is such a sweetie and we love her so much!

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