Thursday, October 11, 2007


Well, I took a cute photo of Okie Doke from our visit tonight to post on the blog, but it didn't save. She was much the same, though very sleepy as it was past her bedtime. As we were leaving they were giving her some pain meds so she could sleep. She is still bleeding in her stomach and hopefully they will go in with the scope tomorrow. Please pray for her as they will have to put her under for it (though the doctor said the risk would be no more than usual).

She let out a big sigh when we were there (though it sounded more like a cell phone buzz because of the tube in her nose), like she does sometimes. It usually signals a mixture of, "I'm glad your here" and "can't we get this over with." It is the kind of sigh she makes on long car trips, etc. The vet tech said she was really cute because when she was attending to Okie Doke she started to roll on her back a bit for stomach petting. If you know OKD, it's a good sign! That's our girl! Keep her in your prayers please :)!

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